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jquery form submition to a servlet

I am using jquery form submission to a servlet. .I am sending value of xyz to servlet,when i alert xyz it shows the correct value but in the callback function data alert shows as null . here is my script


          $("#country_id").change(function() {
             var xyz = $("option:selected").val();
            //  var url ="../Retrive_country?stateadd_1=none&countryREF="+xyz;
                {countryref : xyz } ,function(data,status){
            alert("Data: " + data + "\nStatus: " + status);



here is my jsp

<div class="span2 clear">
<select name="country_id" id="country_id">

<option value="1" id="blabbb">1</option>
<option value="2" id="blabbb">2</option>
<option value="3" id="blabbb">3</option>

here is my servlet..

String countryref= request.getParameter("countryREF");
String sql1 = "SELECT * FROM state WHERE country_ref="+countryref+" ";
PreparedStatement pst1 = db.getConnection().prepareStatement(sql1);
 ResultSet j = pst1.executeQuery();
while (j.next()) {
                        String state_id = j.getString(1);
                        state = j.getString(2);
                        country_ref = j.getString(3);

What am i doing wrong?

Your server-side code is expecting countryREF (case-sensitive) in the request data so you probably just need to change your data passed in your $.get() to { countryREF: xyz } :

      $("#country_id").change(function() {
         //var xyz = $("option:selected").val();
         var xyz = $(this).val();


         $.get("../Retrive_country?stateadd_1=none", { countryREF: xyz }, function(data,status){
           alert("Data: " + data + "\nStatus: " + status);


From the jQuery documentation , can you try this format of $.get :

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#country_id").change(function () {
        var xyz = $("option:selected").val();
        $.get("../Retrive_country?stateadd_1=none", {
            countryref: xyz
            .done(function (data) {
            alert("Data Loaded: " + data);


$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#country_id").change(function () {
        var xyz = $("option:selected").val();
        $.get("../Retrive_country?stateadd_1=none&countryref=" + xyz, function (data) {
            alert("Data Loaded: " + data);


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