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Launching Ruby-Cucumber from IntelliJ (OSX)

I am in a new job and am using IntelliJ with Ruby and Cucumber.. all of which are new to me.

I have a working project based upon this project: https://github.com/jonathanchrisp/selenium-cucumber-ruby-kickstarter

So, from the command line, I run my project like this:

  sudo cukesparse something

cukesparse is not my project but here is a quick description from github: "A simple command line parser to pass default and custom arguments into Cucumber with the power to define these as tasks in a config/tasks.yml file!" (seems interesting enough to me)

So, from the command line I am able to execute this project without any problems. I am also able to "Build > Rebuild Project" without issue.

My question is regarding getting a Run Config to work. I have tried to go to Run > Edit Configurations, but have had no luck creating a config to start my run. When I try to click Ruby from the list of 'base configurations', IntelliJ doesn't seem to want me to pick it. The UI sort of doesn't respond.

I must be stuck with some obvious newbie booboo. Any tips greatly appreciated!

Which version of IntelliJ are you using? And do you have the Ruby and Base Cucumber plugins installed in IntelliJ? (From Intellij -> preferences -> Plugins). If not, the first step would be to install those.

Then you can create a run configuration by Run > Edit Configurations, selecting the required details. If you have further issues, a screengrab of your configuration (from Run > Edit Configurations) would be helpful.

I didn't ever get to the bottom of exactly what the issue was, but completely removing IntelliJ (using the comment from Jenny here: In IntelliJ on OS X, how do you clear out all global setting info, licensing etc. (external to any project) ) and reinstalling with a very minimal plugin set fixed it. I basically only enabled the git plugin, then got the ruby plugin from the repository and no other plugins.

I did need to add the cucumber gem from the command line but that didn't turn out to be part of the problem. Something about the plugins I had selected was making some of the Run Configurations not function.

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