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Can one java executable run more than one loop at the same time

I use Eclipse KEPLER [I loved Eclipse JUNO version] Warning: My English is not good at all, please correct me or notice me if senseless sentences found.

My problem is: I have a program which have a lot of loops inside of main loop and I noticed a critical failure, that will cause the whole program to get jammed for every 3 seconds and then it wake up again. [I would like to send the code, but it includes over 14 classes, so... perhaps I do not send it]

The problem is caused by loop(s), which take too long time to finish. If these "loops" are in "main loop" this "main loop" takes 3 seconds to start again [which is not acceptable]

Because mount of code, I wrote an example of my problem and it perhaps include possible solution, but I don't know how to do it:

    public class EX1 {
    static public String w="";      // something where program can storage stuff
    static public String alp="AaÁáÂâÄäÃãÅåÀàBbCcDdEeÉéÊêËëÈèFfGgHhIiÍíÎîÏïÌìJjKkLlMmNnÑñOoÓóÔôÖöÕõÒòPpQqRrSsTtUuÚúÛûÜüÙùVvWwXxYyÝýÿZz1234567890 ";

    public static void StuffThatSupposeToBeAlwaysOn(){      // As I told here is loop that suppose to be running all time
        int rand=0;                             // in this example, this loop works as random text generator
        for(int a=0;a<100;a++){
    public static void StuffThatSupposeToBeAlwaysOn2(){ //this suppose to be another same time running loop
         * printed String w should always be 16 letters long
         * but because program run both loops one by one, it simply can't print it right length (16)
         * so it print it as max length of loop (100)
        for(int a=0;a<50;a++){
                System.out.println("Randomly generated text: "+w+". length of text is: "+w.length());

    public static void main(String[] args) {// main program

        long a=System.currentTimeMillis();
        while(a+2000>System.currentTimeMillis()){   //Main loop[automated kill after 2 seconds]

            StuffThatSupposeToBeAlwaysOn();         // so if I get both running at same time, problem is solved.

        }System.exit(0);//program gets killed here


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