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Regenerate R.java without building entire project in eclipse?

是否可以在不构建整个项目且不使用Project-> Build自动的情况下重新生成R.java?

As you can see in this link , the thing responsible for making an R.java file is called 'aapt': The Android Asset Packaging Tool.

There are several options for the tool, but basic usage help can be found by just typing in the name of the program ( aapt ) without any parameters, as shown on that page.

A note: if you didn't allready know this, and hadn't yet read all the files about manually building/compiling android apps, I'm not really sure this is where you want to be going. If it is to work around some sort of error, you're probably better of fixing the error :). If it's not, then it's of course a valid method of building and compiling, just a little more work.

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