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Replace all spaces with a new line in CMD

I have a input file of type .txt :

// file.txt
The quick brown dog jumped over the lazy fox. 

Basically I want to use this input file to produce an output file with each string quote-enclosed and on its own line in CMD. Any ideas?

Output should be like this:



@echo off
set /p text=<file.txt
(for %%i in (%text%) do echo '%%i')>newfile.txt

I note now that the terms were supposed to be enclosed in single quotes - which the code below doesn't do. It just does what the subject line asks and separates each term on a new line by itself.

Here is a more robust solution that handles poison characters, and retains all characters in the file, and is far quicker on large files.

This uses a helper batch file called repl.bat ( preview as gist or download from dropbox )

Place repl.bat in the same folder as the batch file or in a folder that is on the path.

type "file.txt" |repl " " "\r\n" x >"newfile.txt"

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