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Check if a string matches a regex in Bash script

One of the arguments that my script receives is a date in the following format: yyyymmdd .

I want to check if I get a valid date as an input.

How can I do this? I am trying to use a regex like: [0-9]\\{\\8}

You can use the test construct, [[ ]] , along with the regular expression match operator, =~ , to check if a string matches a regex pattern.

For your specific case, you can write:

[[ $date =~ ^[0-9]{8}$ ]] && echo "yes"

Or more a accurate test:

[[ $date =~ ^[0-9]{4}(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])$ ]] && echo "yes"
#           |\______/\______*______/\______*__________*______/|
#           |   |           |                  |              |
#           |   |           |                  |              |
#           | --year--   --month--           --day--          |
#           |          either 01...09      either 01..09      |
# start of line            or 10,11,12         or 10..29      |
#                                              or 30, 31      |
#                                                        end of line

That is, you can define a regex in Bash matching the format you want. This way you can do:

[[ $date =~ ^regex$ ]] && echo "matched" || echo "did not match"

where commands after && are executed if the test is successful, and commands after ||are executed if the test is unsuccessful.

Note this is based on the solution by Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko in User input date format verification in bash .

In other shells you can use grep . If your shell is POSIX compliant, do

(echo "$date" | grep -Eq  ^regex$) && echo "matched" || echo "did not match"

In fish , which is not POSIX-compliant, you can do

echo "$date" | grep -Eq "^regex\$"; and echo "matched"; or echo "did not match"

In bash version 3 you can use the '=~' operator:

if [[ "$date" =~ ^[0-9]{8}$ ]]; then
    echo "Valid date"
    echo "Invalid date"

Reference: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/bashver3.html#REGEXMATCHREF

NOTE: The quoting in the matching operator within the double brackets, [[ ]], is no longer necessary as of Bash version 3.2

A good way to test if a string is a correct date is to use the command date:

if date -d "${DATE}" >/dev/null 2>&1
  # do what you need to do with your date
  echo "${DATE} incorrect date" >&2
  exit 1

from comment: one can use formatting

if [ "2017-01-14" == $(date -d "2017-01-14" '+%Y-%m-%d') ] 

One of the arguments that my script receives is a date in the following format: yyyymmdd .

I want to check if I get a valid date as an input.

How can I do this? I am trying to use a regex like: [0-9]\\{\\8}

In addition to other answers of the =~ Bash operator - Extended Regular Expressions (ERE) .

This is the syntax used by awk and egrep (or grep -E ),
as well as by Bash's [[ ... =~ ... ]] operator.

For example, a function which supports multiple test provided in multiple arguments:


# Functions #

function RT
    declare line_l;

    for line_l in "${@:2}"; 
        if ! [[ "$line_l" =~ $1 ]];
            return 1;

    return 0;

# Main      #


if RT "$regex_v" "$value_1_v" "$value_2_v";
    printf 'Valid';
    printf 'Invalid';


Function RT or Regex Test

# Declare a local variable for a loop.

declare line_l;
# Loop for every argument's value except the first whish is a regex rule

for line_l in "${@:2}";
# Test the value and return a **non-zero** return code if failed

if ! [[ "$line_l" =~ $1 ]];
# Return a **zero** return code - success.

return 0;

Main code

# Define arguments for the function to test

regex_v='^[0-9]*$'; # Regex rule
value_1_v='12345'; # First value
value_2_v='67890'; # Second value
# A statement which runs the function with specified arguments
# and executes `printf 'Valid';` if succeeded, else - `printf 'Invalid';`

if RT "$regex_v" "$value_v";

It should be possible to point at failed argument, for example, by appending a counter in loop and printing its value to stderr .


The quotes around the right-hand side of the =~ operator cause it to become a string , rather than a RegularExpression .


Where the usage of a regex can be helpful to determine if the character sequence of a date is correct, it cannot be used easily to determine if the date is valid. The following examples will pass the regular expression, but are all invalid dates: 20180231, 20190229, 20190431

So if you want to validate if your date string (let's call it datestr ) is in the correct format, it is best to parse it with date and ask date to convert the string to the correct format. If both strings are identical, you have a valid format and valid date.

if [[ "$datestr" == $(date -d "$datestr" "+%Y%m%d" 2>/dev/null) ]]; then
     echo "Valid date"
     echo "Invalid date"

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