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How to remove hard spaces with Jsoup?

I'm trying to remove hard spaces (from   entities in the HTML). I can't remove it with .trim() or .replace(" ", "") , etc! I don't get it.

I even found on Stackoverflow to try with \\\  but didn't work neither.

I tried this (since text() returns actual hard space characters, U+00A0 ):

System.out.println( "'"+fields.get(6).text().replace("\\u00a0", "")+"'" ); //'94,00 '
System.out.println( "'"+fields.get(6).text().replace(" ", "")+"'" ); //'94,00 '
System.out.println( "'"+fields.get(6).text().trim()+"'"); //'94,00 '
System.out.println( "'"+fields.get(6).html().replace(" ", "")+"'"); //'94,00' works

But I can't figure out why I can't remove the white space with .text() .

Your first attempt was very nearly it, you're quite right that Jsoup maps   to U+00A0. You just don't want the double backslash in your string:

System.out.println( "'"+fields.get(6).text().replace("\u00a0", "")+"'" ); //'94,00'
// Just one ------------------------------------------^

replace doesn't use regular expressions, so you aren't trying to pass a literal backslash through to the regex level. You just want to specify character U+00A0 in the string.

The question has been edited to reflect the true problem.

New answer; The hardspace, ie. entity (Unicode character NO-BREAK SPACE U+00A0 ) can in Java be represented by the character \ , thus code becomes, where str is the string gotten from the text() method

str.replaceAll ("\u00a0", "");

Old answer; Using the JSoup library,

import org.jsoup.parser.Parser;

String str1 = Parser.unescapeEntities("last week, Ovokerie Ogbeta", false);
String str2 = Parser.unescapeEntities("Entered » Here", false);
System.out.println(str1 + " " + str2);

Prints out:

last week, Ovokerie Ogbeta Entered » Here 

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