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SQL Server recursive query with associated table

I have a typical parent/child relationship table to represent folders. My challenge is using it in conjunction with another table.

The folder table is like this:

|1 |a   |null    |
|2 |b   |1       |
|3 |c1  |2       |
|4 |c2  |2       |

The association table is like this:

|66|2       |
|77|3       |

so that where association.id = 66 has a relationship to folder.id = 2

What I need to do is find the association.id of the first ancestor with a record in the association table. . Using the example data above, given folder.id of 3 I expect to find 77 ; given folder.id of 2 or 4 I expect to find 66 ; any other folder.id value would find null.

Finding folder ancestry can be done with a common table expression like this:

WITH [recurse] (id,name,parentid,lvl) AS
    select a.id,a.name,a.parentid,0 FROM folder AS a   
    WHERE a.id='4'
    select r.id,r.name,r.parentid,lvl+1 FROM folder as r 
    INNER JOIN [recurse] ON recurse.parentid = r.id
SELECT * from [recurse] ORDER BY lvl DESC

yielding the results:

|1 |a   |        |2  |
|2 |b   |1       |1  |
|4 |c2  |2       |0  |

To include the association.id I've tried using a LEFT JOIN in the recursive portion of the CTE, but this is not allowed by SQL Server.

What workaround do I have for this?

Or better yet, is the a way to query directly for the particular association.id ? (eg, without walking through the results of the CTE query that I have been attempting)

SELECT r.id, r.name, r.parentid, r.lvl, a.folderid, a.id as associationid 
FROM [recurse] r
LEFT JOIN [association] a 
ON r.id = a.folderid

This will give you the records that have values in the association table. Then you could limit it to the first record that has a value or just grab the top result

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