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Bash loop over a list of elements

I've got a script I use that looks like this

cd ~/.vim/bundle/supertab
git pull
cd ~/.vim/bundle/syntastic
git pull
cd ~/.vim/bundle/vim-alternate
git pull
cd ~/.vim/bundle/vim-easymotion
git pull
cd ~/.vim/bundle/vim-matchit
git pull
cd ~/.vim/bundle/vim-togglemouse
git pull

I'd like to update it so it loops through a list so I could have some improved output without having repeated explicit code. I'm very bad at shell scripting and wondering if it's possible to have a bash script that would run something like this if it was done in C

vector<string> v{"supertab" , "syntastic", "vim-alternate", 
                 "vim-easymotion", "vim-matchit", "vim-togglemouse"};
for (string it : v) {
    system("cd ~/.vim/bundle/" + it);
    cout << it << ": ";
    system("git pull");

Where you are:

 cd ~/.vim/bundle
 for f in supertab syntastic vim-alternate vim-easymotion vim-matchit vim-togglemouse
    cd $f
    git pull
    cd ..

You could use an array in Bash, like this :

declare -a lstDir
lstDir=("supertab" "syntastic" "vim-alternate" "vim-easymotion" "vim-matchit" "vim-togglemouse")

for file in "${lstDir[@]}"; do
    cd "$rootDir/$file" && git pull

cd "$runDir"

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