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How do I pass list results from stored procedure into ASP.NET MVC view?

Hi I have below stored procedure :

    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspApp_SelectListAutomation]

           @id int,
          @UserID int


SELECT Automation_notes, Automation_recepientEmail, Automation_frequency
FROM Appmarket_AutomatedReports
WHERE UserID = @UserID AND id = @id

And I am calling this strored procedure in my index action like this :

    var listautomation = orderdata.uspApp_SelectListAutomation(id, userid).ToList();
     ViewData["listresults"] = listautomation;

Now I need to pass this into my view and have to display Automation_notes , Automation_recepientEmail and Automation_frequency .

Below is my static code i have written :

 <li style="border-left: 2px solid red;"><a href="Index/1">
            <div class="col-14">
                   **Automation Notes**
                 <div class="stats">
        ( RECIPIENT: **Automation_recepientEmail** | EVERY **Automation_frequency** | EXPIRES: 19 January 2025 )
                   <div class="clear">

Can some one tell me how can i make it dynamic by taking results from Stored procedure and pass it in my view ??

You Model and ViewModel should be -

public class ViewModel
    public List<DataModel> Items { get; set; }

public class DataModel
    public string Automation_notes { get; set; }
    public string Automation_recepientEmail { get; set; }
    public string Automation_frequency { get; set; }

Your Controller should be -

public ActionResult Index()
    // Here you need to get data from SQL and populate the properties accordingly, I mean you need to 
    // call buisness layer method here
    ViewModel model = new ViewModel();
    model.Items = new List<DataModel>();
    model.Items.Add(new DataModel() { Automation_notes = "Note1", Automation_frequency = "10", Automation_recepientEmail = "Eamil1" });
    model.Items.Add(new DataModel() { Automation_notes = "Note2", Automation_frequency = "20", Automation_recepientEmail = "Eamil2" });

    return View(model);

You view should be -

@model MVC.Controllers.ViewModel

    ViewBag.Title = "Index";


<table class="table">

@foreach (var item in Model.Items) {


Output - 在此处输入图片说明

First you pass your viewmodel from controller like this

public ActionResult ActionName()
            //your code
           return View(listautomation);               

then bind it in your view part like this

@model ViewModel.ListAutomation

Get the value in view like this

<input type="text" id="id" value="@Model.ListAutomation " readonly="True"/>

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