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Insert 2 array value to mysql db

I'm getting 2 fields from my html form which store the value in an Array .

$ingredients = $_POST['ingredients'];
$quantity = $_POST['quantity'];

I want to insert these 2 value to my mysql db. So I'm using following:

foreach($ingredients  as $in)
    foreach($quantity as $q)
        echo "Intredent and quantity is : $in and $q<br/>"; 

        //$insert = my mysql Insert query;

But it showing twice value. For ex: if it's 2 value it's showing 4 value.. etc.

foreach($ingredients as $key => $in)
    echo "Intredent and quantity is : $in and $_POST['quantity'][$key]<br/>";

Are you trying to do that? Each ingredient with the quantity amount?

try this

$ingredients = $_POST['ingredients'];
$quantity = $_POST['quantity'];

$arr_count = sizeof($ingredients);

for($i=0; $i<$arr_count; $i++)
    $in = $ingredients[$i];
    $q = $quantity[$i];

      echo "Intredent and quantity is : $in and $q<br/>"; 

       //$insert = my mysql Insert query;

The two loops are not necessary.

foreach($ingredients as $index => $in)
        echo "Intredent and quantity is : $in and $quantity[$index]<br/>";
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO <table>(<column1>,<column2>) VALUES ($in, $quantity[$index])");

if (isset ($_POST["ingredients"]) && isset($_POST["quantity"]))
        $sql = "insert into <table> <column1> = ".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["ingredients"]).", <column2> = ".ctype_digit($_POST["quantity"]);
        //echo your values here

since I'm such a newb it won't let me comment but if you echo stuff in your foreach it will loop through and change your values

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