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Full outer join Linq

I do left join and right join then do union for full outer join here is my code

var brndT = (from a in db.TSA_TARGET_DETAIL 
                         where a.OUTLET_ID == id && a.CAMPAIGN_ID == campaignId && a.EMPLOYEE_ID == empId 
                         select new 

            var brndS = (from p in db.SR_TRN_DETAILS
                          (from ppt in db.SR_TRN_MAIN
                           ppt.MEMO_DATE >= d2 && ppt.MEMO_DATE <= d1 && ppt.OUTLET_ID==id 
                           select ppt.ORDER_ID).Contains(p.ORDER_ID)
                      group p by p.BRAND_ID into g
                      select new
                          ID = g.Key,
                          Qty = g.Select(x => x.QUANTITY).Sum()
            var left = (from T in brndT
                       join S in brndS
                       on T.ID equals S.ID
                       into temp
                       from S in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                       select new BrandSalesTarget
                           Target = T.Target==null?0:(int)T.Target,
                           Sales = S != null ? (int)S.Qty : 0,
            var right = (from S in brndS
                         join T in brndT
                         on S.ID equals T.ID
                         into temp
                         from T in temp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                         select new BrandSalesTarget
                             Sales = S.Qty==null?0:(int)S.Qty,
                             Target = T != null ? (int)T.Target : 0
            var fullOuter = left.Union(right).ToList();

But union does not work. I get the same id twice. What's wrong with my code? Anyone helps is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Try using a IEqualityComparer so the union knows which elements are the same.

Code borrowed from. union in two linq statements and remove the duplicate .

class FirstElementComparer : IEqualityComparer<string[]>
    //TODO error checking
    public bool Equals(string[] a, string[] b)
        return a[0].Equals(b[0]);

    public Int32 GetHashCode(string[] obj)
        return obj[0].GetHashCode();

and use it like this:

void Main()
    string[][] query1 = {new [] {"this is a test","Yes", "This is a remark"},
                         new [] {"this is a test2","No", "This is the second remark"}};

    string[][] query2 = {new [] {"this is a test","",""},
                         new [] {"this is a test2","",""},
                         new [] {"this is a test3","",""},
                         new [] {"this is a test4","",""}};

    query1.Union(query2, new FirstElementComparer()).Dump();                         

The EqualityComparer is used by Union to compare the elements in query1 with the elements in query2. It does so by just comparing the first item in each array.

I future please simplify your code the the minimum number of lines to show the actual issue, ideally in the form of a complete short program which can be run instead of copying and pasting a chunk of production code which any helpers will have trouble using to reproduce the problem.

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