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PHP pass array item to javascript

I'm having some difficulties in passing an array item from PHP to a Javascript function.

I have a txt file which is something like this:

recipe1 flour milk
recipe2 egg milk
recipe3 flour salt

I read txt file and need to list all recipes in a list:


When a user clicks on any recipe the corresponding ingredients will be shown in a textarea.

In my example I will display in textarea

flour milk 

if users click on recipe1,

egg milk

if users click on recipe2, etc.

So here's my code:

This is the JavaScript which will populate the textarea with the text I will pass to it.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function addtext(text){
document.testForm.cmd.value +=text;

Here's the code which reads line by line the txt file and put

recipe1, recipe2, recipe3, etc. in an array flour milk, egg milk, flour salt, etc. in another array.



$fp=fopen("recipes.txt", "r");
while (!feof($fp))

    $line=explode(' ', $line, 2);



//Print elements
foreach ($recipe as $rec) {

echo '<a href="#" onclick="addtext(\''.$ingredient[$i].'\'); return false">' . $rec . '</a><br />';




Recipe list works correclty, I cannot pass $ingredient[$i] to Javascript addtext function. I've tried without success using:

$value = echo json_encode($ingredient[$i])

Any help is appreaciated,

Thanks in advance.

I prefer to json_encode() the entire array and pass it along to JavaScript. Here's a very rudimentary example:


$fruits = array(

print '<script>var fruits = ' . json_encode($fruits) . ';</script>';

Then in Javascript:


will show you what you have to work with, namely:

["cherry", "grape", "orange"] 

thus fruits[1] returns grape .

Generally you should render the <script> contents, for example, like this (just the idea, not the exact code):

echo '<script language="">
      var value = ' . json_encode($ingredient[$i]) . 

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