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Service won't start

I have a windows service (c++ that involves some C# code). At production I have a machine with working service, and another that doesn't - immediately stops with this Error 1053..

I compared the procmon of both and saw that before I get the "Thread Exit" Operation it tries to "Load Image" - and the succuss machine - just keep starting...

100842  6:07:26.3394767 PM  MyService.exe   3848    Load Image  C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\msvcm80.dll  SUCCESS Image Base: 0x67a50000, Image Size: 0x7d000
100843  6:07:26.3399390 PM  MyService.exe   3848    Thread Exit     SUCCESS Thread ID: 4372, User Time: 0.0000000, Kernel Time: 0.3281250

Do you have an idea how to work it from here?


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