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Stopping FSSM processes when ruby exits

I'm working on a piece of code which monitors a directory and performs certain tasks when a new file is created in that directory. I'm using FSSM and my (simplified) code looks like this:

require 'fssm'

class FileWatcher

def initialize

    FSSM.monitor('./temp/', '**/*', :directories => true) do
        create do |base, relative|
            puts "Create called with #{relative}"


The file monitoring aspect works well, but my problem is when I halt this script. What happens is the "file_monitor" process remains running. Eg this is after running and halting the script 3 times:

$ ps aux | grep file_watcher
root      3272  1.0  5.3   9760  6596 pts/0    Tl   00:11   0:02 ruby file_watcher.rb
root      3302  1.5  5.2   9760  6564 pts/0    Tl   00:14   0:02 ruby file_watcher.rb
root      3314  2.2  5.2   9764  6564 pts/0    Sl+  00:14   0:02 ruby file_watcher.rb

Ie there are 3 processes still running. So, how to clean up upon exit of the script?


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