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PHP Echo shorthand is removing all forward slashes

Here is a section of my code which should add the background image to a label, but for some reason when I start using <?= shorthand, all of the forward slashes are being removed:

<label for="<?=$result_id?>_checkbox" id="<?=$result_id?>_label" style="background-image:url("<?=$img?>");" />

Here is the code that generates the URL:

$img = $_SESSION['ROOT_DIR']."data/images/".$folder."/".$result_imageset."/".str_replace(" ", "%20", $result_jpg);

This is what that $img variable generates:



echo var_dump(ini_get('short_hand_tags'));



Although, the following works...

<div class="jpg"><?=$result_jpg?></div>

Have a look at the source code of the page being generated. It works for me, in the sense that forward slashes are not removed.

However there is problem with your code:


You have double quotes within double quotes . That will not work :)

you want this instead

style="background-image:url('<?=$img?>');" <-- inner double quotes replaced with single quotes.

Other than that your code renders as expected.

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