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different results for two queries

Query 1 :

                SUM(aol_int) AS AOL,
                SUM(android_phone_int) AS Android_Phone,
                SUM(androidTablet_int) AS Android_Tablet,
                SUM(apple_mail_int) AS Apple_Mail,
                SUM(blackberry_int) AS Blackberry,
                SUM(Eudora_int) AS Eudora,
                SUM(gmail_int) AS Gmail,
                SUM(hotmail_int) AS Hotmail,
                SUM(lotus_notes_int) AS Lotus_Notes,
                SUM(other_int) AS Other,
                SUM(other_webmail_int) as Other_Web_Mail,
                SUM(Outlook_int) AS Outlook,
                SUM(Postbox_int) AS Postbox,
                SUM(sparrow_int) AS Sparrow,
                SUM(thunderbird_int) AS Thunderbird,
                SUM(windowsLiveMail_int) AS Windows_Live_Mail,
                SUM(yahoo_int) AS Yahoo,
                SUM(iPad_int) AS iPad,
                SUM(iPhone_int) AS iPhone,
                SUM(iPod_int) AS iPod

       FROM    mytable;

Query 2: 

select sum(aol_int + android_phone_int + androidtablet_int+apple_mail_int+blackberry_int+Eudora_int+gmail_int+hotmail_int+lotus_notes_int+other_int+other_webmail_int+Outlook_int+Postbox_int+sparrow_int+thunderbird_int+windowsLiveMail_int+yahoo_int+iPad_int+iPhone_int+iPod_int) 
as total_percentage

FROM mytable;

When I am summing up the results of Query 1 I am getting different sum as compared to what I am getting via Query2. The value in Query2 is less than Query 1. Why is it like that?


I tried to write my query like this:

SELECT SUM( ISNULL(aol_int,0)           + 
            ISNULL(android_phone_int,0) + 
            ISNULL(androidtablet_int,0) +
            ISNULL(apple_mail_int,0)    + 
            ISNULL(blackberry_int,0)    + 
            ISNULL(Eudora_int,0)        +
            ISNULL(gmail_int,0)         +
            ISNULL(hotmail_int,0)       +
            ISNULL(lotus_notes_int,0)   +
            ISNULL(other_int,0)         +
            ISNULL(other_webmail_int,0) +
            ISNULL(Outlook_int,0)       +
            ISNULL(Postbox_int,0)       +
            ISNULL(sparrow_int,0)       +
            ISNULL(thunderbird_int,0)   +
            ISNULL(yahoo_int,0)         +
            ISNULL(iPad_int,0)          +
            ISNULL(iPhone_int,0)        +
            ISNULL(iPod_int,0) )AS total_percentage

FROM mytable;

However, I am getting an error after running above query in the MySQL workbench:

Error Code: 1582. Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'ISNULL'. What is wrong here?

This could happen if some columns in some of the rows contain null s. When this happens, all columns in a row with even a single null column would produce null in the chain of additions, so the row will add nothing to the total.

Here is a short demo of this effect. Setup:

create table test(x int null, y int null);
insert into test(x,y) values (1,null);
insert into test(x,y) values (null,2);
insert into test(x,y) values (3,3);


select sum(x+y) from test;     -- Shows 6

select sum(x)+sum(y) from test -- Shows 9

See this demo on sqlfiddle: link .

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