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jQuery remove certain tags from a string

I have a string where I want to remove all figure tags. I have tried the following:

var s = '<html><body>report content<figure id="fig2" data-contenttype="chart"><img src="chart.jpg"/><div>chart 1</div></figure><div>body content</div><figure id="fig2"><img src="chart2.jpg"/><div>chart 2</div></figure></body></html>';
var result = $(s).find('figure').remove();

The reason this does not work is that find does not find the figure elements because they have children. Does anyone know how I can remove all figure nodes (and everything inside them) and leave the rest of the html in tact?

Note the html is not in the DOM I need to do this via string manipulation. I don't want to touch the DOM.

You can wrap your string in a jQuery object and do some sort of a manipulation like this:

var removeElements = function(text, selector) {
    var wrapped = $("<div>" + text + "</div>");
    return wrapped.html();


var removedString = removeElements('<html><body>report content<figure id="fig2" data-contenttype="chart"><img src="chart.jpg"/><div>chart 1</div></figure><div>body content</div><figure id="fig2"><img src="chart2.jpg"/><div>chart 2</div></figure></body></html>','figure');

The beauty of this approach is that you can specify a jquery selector which to remove.

Another approach for keeping html and body tag:

var s = '<html><body>report content<figure id="fig2" data-contenttype="chart"><img src="chart.jpg"/><div>chart 1</div></figure><div>body content</div><figure id="fig2"><img src="chart2.jpg"/><div>chart 2</div></figure></body></html>';
var $s = s.replace(/<figure>(.*)<\/figure>/g, "");

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