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SQL Server 2008 - Pivot Table ISNULL = 0 Not working

I am working on joining two tables and display the result in pivot table. This is my first time doing the pivot, so I am still very new to this.

I have this query below is display the result almost I what I want, but one small thing I couldn't figure out. if the value isNull, then convert it to 0. like I normally do this isNull(value, 0).

SELECT oa.OpptID, o.OpptName, ISNULL(Amount, 0) AS Amount, BucketNameID
FROM dbo.Opportunity o 
LEFT JOIN dbo.ProductBucketAmount oa ON oa.OpptID = o.OpptID
WHERE oa.OpptID IN (123, 456) 
) p
    FOR p.BucketNameID
    IN (
        [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
) AS pvt

If I do like this for the PIVOT columns, it will works, but looks so messy codes. Plus, I want to SELECT all columns everytime (SELECT * FROM...)

SELECT OpptName, OpptName, ISNULL([1], 0) AS '1', ISNULL([2], 0) AS '2'  ... etc ...

Please help or suggestion


Yes, you have to do it outside of the pivot, so yes, it's somewhat messy. The reason is that some of those NULL s are being constructed by the pivot from no input rows - so there's no earlier stage at which you can convert the NULL s to 0 s.

And, as you've also discovered, the PIVOT clause itself isn't flexible. It has to have exactly an aggregate function specified, not an arbitrary expression containing the aggregate.

So what you have:

SELECT OpptName, OpptName, ISNULL([1], 0) AS '1', ISNULL([2], 0) AS '2'  ... etc

is about the best that you can do. (And there's no way to do this as some form of SELECT * ... - you have to convert each column separately)

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