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Where do I put JavaScript code from this Bootstrap snippet using CakePHP?

I am learning CakePHP and would like to use this Bootstrap code snippet on my site http://bootsnipp.com/snippets/featured/tabbed-slider-carousel . I put the HTML in the .ctp file in the Pages directory and CSS in custom.less, but where do I put the Javascript code? It doesn't even look like it's being called in the HTML. I tried wrapping the JS in a script tag in the .ctp file, but no luck. Thanks!

Save the CSS and include it using echo $this->Html->css('css_file');

The JS snipped can be put in the .ctp file

    $(document).ready( function() {
            interval:   4000

        var clickEvent = false;
        $('#myCarousel').on('click', '.nav a', function() {
                clickEvent = true;
                $('.nav li').removeClass('active');
        }).on('slid.bs.carousel', function(e) {
            if(!clickEvent) {
                var count = $('.nav').children().length -1;
                var current = $('.nav li.active');
                var id = parseInt(current.data('slide-to'));
                if(count == id) {
                    $('.nav li').first().addClass('active');    
            clickEvent = false;

Are you getting any errors in the console? Is jquery properly included in the page?

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