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Where do I put the code to bootstrap a collection into backbone.js?

I am new to javascript and I saw another post with a similar question but I'm not sure how to actually inject models into a backbone.js that lives in a separate file.

In my index file I have the following which is starting the app:

$(function () {
    var app = new App();        

Inside my application.js file I have the router which needs to have customers:

window.App = Backbone.Router.extend({     

    routes: {
        "": "home"

    home: function () {

How can I actually get this.customers to be injected into the application? Where does this code live?

I wrote an article that outlines how code like what you've shown here is potentially an anti-pattern, and illustrates a simple way of getting the data bootstrapped. Though your direct question is not the purpose of this article, I think the contents of this article should lead you in a direction that does solve the problem your running in to.


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