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Using ServiceStack.Text to deserialize a json string to object

I have a JSON string that looks like:


I'm trying to deserialize it to object (I'm implementing a caching interface)

The trouble I'm having is when I use


It's coming back as


Is that right?

I can't assert on anything... I also can't use the dynamic keyword....

Is there a way to return an anonymous object from the ServiceStack.Text library?

Using the JS Utils in ServiceStack.Common is the preferred way to deserialize adhoc JSON with unknown types since it will return the relevant C# object based on the JSON payload, eg deserializing an object with:

var obj = JSON.parse("{\"Id\":\"..\"}");

Will return a loose-typed Dictionary<string,object> which you can cast to access the JSON object dynamic contents:

if (obj is Dictionary<string,object> dict) {
    var id = (string)dict["Id"];

But if you prefer to use ServiceStack.Text typed JSON serializers, it can't deserialize into an object since it doesn't know what type to deserialize into so it leaves it as a string which is an object.

Consider using ServiceStack's dynamic APIs to deserialize arbitrary JSON, eg:

var json = @"{\"Id\":\"fb1d17c7298c448cb7b91ab7041e9ff6\",

var obj = JsonObject.Parse(json);

Or parsing into a dynamic:

dynamic dyn = DynamicJson.Deserialize(json);
string id = dyn.Id;
string name = dyn.Name;
string dob = dyn.DateOfBirth;
"DynamicJson: {0}, {1}, {2}".Print(id, name, dob);

Another option is to tell ServiceStack to convert object types to a Dictionary, eg:

JsConfig.ConvertObjectTypesIntoStringDictionary = true;
var map = (Dictionary<string, object>)json.FromJson<object>();

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