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SoapMessageValidation Policy Apigee

I am trying to validate my yahoo weather response with xsd using Soap Message Validation policy. I am referring to xml which I get in response from http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss?w=12797282

And I am receiving following error response: {"fault":"{\\"detail\\":{\\"errorcode\\":\\"steps.messagevalidation.Failed\\"},\\"faultstring\\":\\"MessageValidation soapmessagevalidation-1 failed with reason: \\\\"root element must be {http:\\/\\/schemas.xmlsoap.org\\/soap\\/envelope\\/}Envelope or {http:\\/\\/www.w3.org\\/2003\\/05\\/soap-envelope}Envelope [Line:2]\\\\"\\"}"}

Looks like your response is RSS 1.0 and is not SOAP. The error is about not finding expected SOAP elements.

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