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POST ajax Completed 406 Not Acceptable

I have runned in to a strange issue. I wont to load an xml file and parse it via ajax, and append its contents to display on a page for further approval.

In view I have:

<%= form_tag import_path, multipart: true, remote: true do %>
    <%= file_field_tag :file %>
    <%= submit_tag "load" %>
<% end %>


  respond_to :js
  def import
    respond_to do |format|
      parsing stuff ....
      @result = parsed_corrections

      format.js {render "import"}

Also I have import.js.erb view, with just alert for testing. When I submit an empty form it works correct(content type is text/javascript), but if I submit an xml file it shows "Completed 406 Not Acceptable" content type is text/html.

I guess that issue is with content type. jquery_rails and jquery_ujs are included in layout.

Thanks in advice for help.

U need to handle xml format

respond_to do |format|
          format.xml  { parsing stuff.. }

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