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MySQL Join Query is very Slow

I have a MySQL join query that I am executing and it never finishes:

SELECT t1.`id` FROM `person` as t1 
      JOIN `temp_table` as t2 
      on t1.`date` = t2.`date` 
      and t1.`name` = t2.`name` 
      and t1.`country_id`= t2.`country_id`

The person table and temp_table have the exact same columns.

When I run the query with explain I see the following results:

1   SIMPLE  t1  index   test    test    777 NULL    99560   Using where; Using index
1   SIMPLE  t2  ref test    test    777 development.t1.date,development.t1.name,development.t1.country_id   1   Using index

I created indexes for both tables with the following statement:

ALTER TABLE `person` ADD INDEX `test` (`date`,`name`,`country_id`)
ALTER TABLE `temp_table` ADD INDEX `test` (`date`,`name`,`country_id`)

Each table has the same 100,000 rows or so in them, and thus the join should return 100,000 rows. I am assuming this query is so slow because of the number of rows being scanned on the t1 table. I'm not sure why that is the case though if I have applied indexes. Any help would be appreciated.

Having the same columns doesn't guarantee a 1-1 match, unless the combination of the columns is unique.

Try running this query:

select cnt, count(*)
from (select date,name, country_id, count(*) as cnt
      from person
      group by date,name, country_id
     ) t
group by cnt;

This will give a count of each combination. If you only get one row out of it, with a "1" in the cnt column, then your query should be ok. If you get other values, then you are actually multiplying the number of rows, which is causing your performance problem.


Your output appears to be:

2564    37
2565    1
2566    1

That means that 37 combinations of the three columns occur 2,564 times. Just these are producing 2,564*2,564*37 rows in the result set (243,241,552 rows). That's a lot of rows and probably explains why your query is slow.

The join is multiplying the number of tuples. Try using a natural join or a group by instead.

SELECT t1.`id` FROM `person` as t1 
 NATURAL JOIN `temp_table` as t2

I don't know mysql, but that should work in psql, which should be similar.

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