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Handling WCF Faults for non-WCF clients

I have created a Wcf service. It will be access by both Wcf clients and non Wcf clients. I created my own class for the FaultException handling as below;

public class ErrorResponse
    public string ErrMsg {get;set;}

For my service interface I have

public interface IService
    [FaultContract (typeof(ErrorResponse))]
    [WebInvoke(Method = "POST", UriTemplate = "/XML/GetTypes", BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Bare)]
    TypeResponse XMLTypes(TypeRequest TypeRequest);

In my method XmlTypes I have the following;

public static TypeResponse XmlTypes(TypeRequest TypeRequest)
    //do something
    //raise a error

    ErrorResponse oErrorResponse = new ErrorResponse();
    oErrorResponse.ErrMsg = "Some Error happened";

    FaultCode oFaultCode = new FaultCode("12345");

    throw new FaultException<ErrorResponse>(oErrorResponse , new FaultReason ("Reason for the fault"),
            new FaultCode("TypeRequestFailed", new FaultCode("TypeNotFound")));

This appears to work fine for a Wcf client.

However, when making a call from a non Wcf Client, for example using WebClient UploadString (I know I can use Service Reference, this is for test purposes), I get back

System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.

This is my webclient code in another test app;

WebClient oClient = new WebClient();

oClient.Encoding = UTF8Encoding.UTF8;
oClient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/xml");


   sRequest = "<TypeRequest><UserId>1</UserId><Password>asdax12</Password></TypeRequest>";
   txtResponse.Text = oClient.UploadString("http://localhost:49562/Service.svc/XML/XmlTypes", "POST", sRequest).ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
    txtResponse.Text = ex.ToString();

In my webconfig file I added the following as taken from this example throwing soap faults for non wcf clients

      <binding name="basicHttpSoap12Binding">
        <textMessageEncoding messageVersion="Soap12"/>
    <service name="MySoap12Service">
      <endpoint address="" binding="customBinding" bindingConfiguration="basicHttpSoap12Binding"

Where am I going wrong ?

Do you have any other web method you can call successfully ? (from the same non WCF client)

Since you have a 400 http error seems to me like the call is not being built or done in the right way, so if you can successfully call any other method in the same service that will help us make sure the call is correct.

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