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Issues passing data from the UI into a database - JSF, JPA, etc

im having a bit of an issue trying to pass the value entered in the ui to a specific table and column in the database, however when i submit this value to be passed i get the error

WARNING:   #{markingBean.markSectionOne}: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Not supported yet.
javax.faces.FacesException: #{markingBean.markSectionOne}: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Not supported yet.

in the glassfish console

i am using netbeans, jsf, derby db

 <p:spinner id="ajaxspinner80-100" value="#{markingBean.spinnerNumber1}" 
                                               stepFactor = "1"  min="80" max="100" disabled = "#{formBean.number != 8}">  
                                        <p:ajax update="ajaxspinnervalue" process="@this" />  

    <p:commandButton action="#{markingBean.markSectionOne}" value="#{bundle.buttonSave}" update=":growl" icon="ui-icon-disk"/>

Above is how the user selects the value and it is then passed to a bean :

public void markSectionOne() {

however it looks like this is the reason for the error

public void create(Marking markToCreate) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

i have found that code on the bottom on my Marking entity class,

the question i have is how can i insert the value from the spinner into my table marking under markSectionOne column ?


You need an intermediary between the UI and the database. You should never think about it as "spinner into my table" or any other UI element.

Do it in steps:

  1. Get the UI form POST to the intermediary. Validate and bind the incoming data.
  2. Process the incoming data and persist.

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