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Chrome Extension That Opens New Tab & Simulate a ng-click?

I am learning to building a relatively simple Chrome extension and I'm at a point where I've got a background.js file with this set of code.

chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) { chrome.tabs.getSelected(null,function(tab) { chrome.tabs.create( { url: " https://hello.world.com/ " } ); }); });

Upon button press of the extension, it's supposed to launch a new Chrome tab with https://hello.world.com .

There is a specific AngularJS button on https//hello.world.com called ng-click="aaa.bbb()" that I would like to trigger as part of the same process (when the new Chrome tab is launching http://hello.world.com ), but I'm not sure what lines I need to add to the my background.js file to trigger that action.

Appreciate anyone's help. Thanks in advance.

You have to prepare content_script and execute it in the URL of the tab to open. However, since the trigger of content_script is sandbox, it cannot be triggered directly. Therefore, from content_script It finally works by adding a script element containing the code to target.click (); to document.body.

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