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How to remove a node from a doubly linked list?

I need to create a method to remove a given node (the node called "Jack") from a doubly linked list.

here is my code:

linked list class:

class DoublyLinkedList
    public Node head, current;

    public void AddNode(object n) // add a new node 
        if (head == null)
            head = new Node(n); //head is pointed to the 1st node in list 
            current = head;
            while (current.next != null)
                current = current.next;

            current.next = new Node(n, current); //current is pointed to the newly added node 

    public void RemoveNode(object n)


    public String PrintNode() // print nodes 
        String Output = "";

        Node printNode = head;
        if (printNode != null)
            while (printNode != null)
                Output += printNode.data.ToString() + "\r\n";
                printNode = printNode.next;
            Output += "No items in Doubly Linked List";
        return Output;


Execute button code: I have already added 3 nodes as you can see and I want to remove the "Jack" node.

private void btnExecute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DoublyLinkedList dll = new DoublyLinkedList();
        //add new nodes 
        //print nodes 
        txtOutput.Text = dll.PrintNode(); 

  1. Find the node n
    1. if n.Next is not null , set n.Next.Prev to n.Prev
    2. if n.Prev is not null , set n.Prev.Next to n.Next
    3. if n == head , set head to n.Next

Basically, you find the node you want to remove, and make the node to its left point to the node to its right, and vice-versa.

To find node n , you can do something like this:

public bool Remove(object value)
    Node current = head;

    while(current != null && current.Data != value)
        current = current.Next;

    //value was not found, return false
    if(current == null)
        return false;


Note: these algorithms usually involve two invariants. You have to make sure that, at all times, the first node's Prev property and the last node's Next property are null - you can read this as: "no node comes before the first node, and no node comes after the last node".

Your code should include Previous pointer to make it doubly linked list.

public void RemoveNode(object n)
     Node lcurrent = head;

     while(lcurrent!=null && lcurrent.Data!=n) //assuming data is an object
       lcurrent = lcurrent.Next;
     if(lcurrent != null)
        if(lcurrent==current) current = current.Previous; //update current
           head = lcurrent.Next;
           lcurrent.Previous.Next = lcurrent.Next;
           lcurrent.Next.Previous = lcurrent.Previous;
           lcurrent.Next = null;
           lcurrent.Previous = null;

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