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Load a file, edit it and the save it (server side) PHP

I got a page that loads html code from a text file into an textarea and I need to be able to save the contents of it using a script.

I'm using a PHP script to load the code from a file and echo it out to the textarea, but how can I send back the contents to the script and save it either to the same file or to a file with a new name?

I was thinking if getElementById would help me but I'm not sure how.

The load script(it has the ability to delete files too)

// The file hierarchy:
//Web root - admin - This file
//         - pages - in here are the page text files

// The variable pagesList is the filename chosen in a dropdown list earlier
$page = $_GET["pagesList"];
$action = $_GET["action"];
//get the path to the page( all pages are in a folder named 'pages')
$filename = dirname(dirname(__FILE__))."/pages/".$page;

if(file_exists($filename) and is_file($filename)){

    //If I want to load a file
    if($action == "open"){
        $f = fopen($filename,"rt");
        $content = fread($f, filesize($filename));
        echo $content;

    //If I want to delete a file
    }elseif($action == "delete" && is_file($filename)){
        //move the working directory to where the file is
        $old = getcwd();
            echo "File deleted,".$filename;
            echo "Error deleting file!";
        //change back the working directory to where it was

    //If I want to save a file
    }elseif($action == "save"){

            //Unknown script, need help!



The textarea is only one line with an include in it:

   <textarea id="html_content" style="width:600;height:200;"><?php include("loader.php") ?></textarea>

To sum it up: I need help getting the contents of an textarea to a script for saving later.

EDIT: Thanks to davidkonrad I just had to add a few POST receives in the script and add file_put_content with the content sent to it.

The problem that arised is that jQuery apparently puts \\ before each " or '. That messes up all the html code that is supposed to be clean and valid. I'll have to replace the \\" with " somehow, str_replace wont cut it. Any ideas?

EDIT2: Thanks again to davidkonrad that fixed it by using encodeURIComponent(jQuery) clientside and urldecode(PHP) serverside.

Update, OK if you just are in doubt how to submit a textarea to your loader.php :

<form method="post" action="loader.php">
<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="test.html">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="save">
<textarea name="html_content"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="save">

loader.php, now you have


Which here is "test.html", "save" and any text typed into the textarea. use those variables in your if .. else loop as above, eg

} elseif($action == "save"){
        //Unknown script, need help!
        file_put_contents($filename, $html_content); //or how you want to do it

The disadvantages is

  • the page needs to be reloaded on each action
  • you need to echo the inserted content again, between <textarea> .. </textarea> once it is inserted (as I understand, the HTML is part of loader.php)
  • likewise keeping track of the current filename is more complicated

NB : Unless there is a particular reason, you dont have to check if a file already exists before writing to it. And still thinks travelling around in the directories just makes it complicated :) Is /pages/ not just a relative path?

It does not need to be so complicated. I would use a more simple and structured approach, consisting of

  • A PHP class that performs each task by simple file_put_contents , file_get_contents and unlink , including some small error handling
  • A system of $.ajax calls (jQuery) calling the above PHP class

The following working example performs save, load and delete of HTML files to a directoty /files , which you must give RW permissions.


class File {
    private $filename;
    private $dir = 'files/';

    public function __construct() {
        $action = isset($_POST['action']) ? $_POST['action'] : false;
        $this->filename = isset($_POST['filename']) ? $_POST['filename'] : false;
        if ((!$action) || (!$this->filename)) return;
        switch ($action) {
            case 'save' : 
                $this->save(); break;
            case 'load' : 
                $this->load(); break;
            case 'delete' : 
                $this->delete(); break;
            default :
    private function save() {
        $content = isset($_POST['content']) ? $_POST['content'] : '';
        file_put_contents($this->dir.$this->filename, urldecode($content));
    private function load() {
        $content = @file_get_contents($this->dir.$this->filename);
        echo $content;
    private function delete() {
$file = new File();

file.html, markup

<input type="text" id="filename" value="test.txt"><br>
<textarea id="html_content" style="width:600;height:200;"></textarea>
<button id="save">save</button>
<button id="load">load</button>
<button id="delete">delete</button>

file.html, script :

var url = 'file.php';
$("#save").click(function() {
        url : url,
        type: 'post',
        data : {
            filename : $("#filename").val(),
            action : 'save',
            content : encodeURIComponent($('#html_content').val())
$("#delete").click(function() {
        url : url,
        type: 'post',
        data : {
            filename : $("#filename").val(),
            action : 'delete'
$("#load").click( function() {
        url : url,
        type: 'post',
        data : {
            filename : $("#filename").val(),
            action : 'load'
        success : function(html) {

The HTML content (tags, HTML entities) is maintained upon save by the use of encodeURIComponent and urldecode . Try it out yourself, and consider this as the base for a more complex system. If you want to create a new file, just enter a new filename in the filename box. If you want to load a file, enter that filename in the filename box. I think file_put_contents etc is by far more robust than dealing with file handles, chdir(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))."/pages/"); (??) and so on.

尝试使用php fputs函数保存文件

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