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Incorrect syntax near some keyword in c# / sql

I have the following code snippet :-

protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
    string idd = Session["senderefirstname"].ToString();

    Query = " create table '"+ idd +"' (  senderid varchar(90) , recipientid     varchar(90),senderimage varchar(90), senderfirstname varchar(90), senderlastname varchar(90),    message varchar(max) ) ";
    adap = new SqlDataAdapter(Query, con);
    ds = new DataSet();

but m getting the error is

"Incorrect syntax near 'noah'"

noah is the string stored in session["senderfirstname"] I'm getting this error. Can anyone guide?

You don't need to use single quotes when you use CREATE TABLE .

Just use create table "+ idd +"

Take a look at syntax from CREATE TABLE (Transact-SQL)

But more important, I don't understand your code at all. I don't think you need to use SqlDataAdapter or DataSet because your query does not return anything.

Just execute your query with SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery method like;

Query = " create table "+ idd +"(senderid varchar(90), recipientid varchar(90),senderimage varchar(90), senderfirstname varchar(90), senderlastname varchar(90),message varchar(max)) ";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Query, con);
Query = " create table "+ idd +" (  senderid varchar(90) , recipientid     varchar(90),senderimage varchar(90), senderfirstname varchar(90), senderlastname varchar(90),    message varchar(max) ) ";



Query= "create table "+ idd +"(senderid varchar(90),recipientid varchar(90),senderimage varchar(90), senderfirstname varchar(90), senderlastname varchar(90),message varchar(max) ) ";

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