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Python - Writing a dictionary of dictionaries to CSV

I'm new to python and made a simple scraper that will log into several analytics accounts and print some data to a CSV. The format I'm printing to CSV in is a dictionary that I create with the following code:

import csv
from collections import OrderedDict
import time
def save_file(website, visitors, links, sources):
    date = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
    d = OrderedDict()
    d['Title'] =  website    # website string
    d['Date'] = date         # date string
    d['Vistors'] = visitors  # integer
    d['Links'] = links       # dictionary of links - URL : Clicks
    d['Sources'] = sources   # dictionary of sources - Source: Clicks

    path = os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/Traffic Report.csv')
    with open(path, 'a') as f:
        writer = csv.DictWriter(f, d, delimiter=',')

When I print to CSV using this code, the site, date, and visitors cells work great. The links/source cells (data I'm using beautifulsoup to scrape) are full of extra quotation marks and characters as seen below.

{"['www.example1.com/']": '1', "['www.example2.com']": '1', "['www.example3.com']": '1', "['www.example4.com/']": '3', "['www.example5.com/']": '1'}
{"['Links']": '2', "['Social media']": '5', "['Direct']": '2', "['Searches']": '1'}

Is there any way to remove many of these characters and print to csv as: www.example1.com : 1, www.example2.com : 1, www.example3.com : 1...

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

You'd have to do the formatting yourself. Instead of a dictionary, build a string:

d['Links'] = ', '.join(['{}: {}'.format(*item) for item in links.items()])
d['Sources'] = ', '.join(['{}: {}'.format(*item) for item in sources.items()])

This produces link1: count1, link2: count2 results.

As a sidenote, you don't need to use an OrderedDict object here, just give the DictWriter a sequence of keys in the order you want them written instead. I'd also open the CSV file just once outside the loop:

d = {
    'Title': website,
    'Date': date,
    'Visitors': visitors,
    'Links': ', '.join(['{}: {}'.format(*item) for item in links.items()]),
    'Sources': ', '.join(['{}: {}'.format(*item) for item in sources.items()],

path = os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/Traffic Report.csv')
with open(path, 'a') as f:
    fields = ('Title', 'Date', 'Visitors', 'Links', 'Sources')
    writer = csv.DictWriter(f, fields, delimiter=',')
def convert(dct):
    return ", ".join("%s : %s" % (key, value) for key, value in dct.iteritems())

(use .items() instead of .iteritems() if Python3.x) and then

d['Links'] = convert(links)
d['Sources'] = convert(sources)

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