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Adding .jar files to classpath

I am fairly new to Java and I am trying to understand how to add .jar files to my classpath. Specifically I want to be able to import the Stanford coreNLP Library . After downloading and unzipping coreNLP, I get 4 jar files that I need to add to my classpath which are called


This SO post shows that I can do this by writing a command that includes the location of the .jar files and the path to the package hierarchy. I obviously know the location of the .jar files but I do not know what the path to the package hierarchy should be. I have tried

java -cp stanford-corenlp-3.3.1.jar;stanford-corenlp-3.3.1-models.jar;xom.jar;joda-time.jar

but this is clearly wrong because it only includes the .jar files. Can someone give me some direction on how to modify the above command? Thanks


The new command that I have tried is

java -cp stanford-corenlp-3.3.1.jar;stanford-corenlp-3.3.1-models.jar;xom.jar;joda-time.jar edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLP

as per the suggestions. However this produces the same error of

-bash: stanford-corenlp-3.3.1-models.jar: command not found
-bash: xom.jar: command not found
-bash: joda-time.jar: command not found 

Just to be clear, all I want to do is be able to use

import edu.stanford.nlp

in my java file. Also I am using a mac.

The website you link to gives several examples. You need to add:


to the end of your command. This is the main class and is what will be executed when you run the program.

You can use the -cp flag as you used it but only reference the directory.


javac -cp ".;./classes;/path/to/jar/dir" MyProgram.java

Then run:

java -cp ".;./classes;/path/to/jar/dir" MyProgram

alternatively you can add the CLASSPATH as an environment variable.

In Linux/Mac you can do

export CLASSPATH=".;./classes;/PATH/TO/JARS/"

If you are using Windows you can follow instructions here to set up your environment variables.

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