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Generate variables that equal dynamically created form elements

In a previous question , I learned how to generate dynamic form elements with increasing element Ids.

Now, I'm having trouble figuring out a way to assign variables that equal the dynamically created form elements.

My form has six inputs with IDs as such:


Each clone of the form, adds an incrementing numeral to the end of the id, such that the first clone has boxes ending in 1 , the second clone has boxes ending in 2 , and such.

Here is my form cloning code, borrowed from the answer to my earlier question:

$(document).ready(function () {
    // show hidden inputs on POSITIVE selection
    $(document).on('change', '.zero_form select.first_input', function () {
        var sel = $(this).val();
        $(this).parent().find('.hide').toggle(sel == 'POSITIVE');
    $(document).on('click', '.zero_form .removebutton', function () {

    // clone fields  
    var form_index = 0;
    $("#add").click(function () {
        $(this).parent().before($("#zero_form").clone().attr("id", "zero_form" + form_index));
        $("#zero_form" + form_index).css("display", "inline");
        $("#zero_form" + form_index + " :input").each(function () {
            $(this).attr("id", $(this).attr("id") + form_index);


I would like to dynamically create variables that capture the value of each element as it is created. For example, if I created two cloned fields, I would have inputs with the IDs:

box1_1, box2_1, box3_1, box4_1, box5_1, box6_1 &
box1_2, box2_2, box3_2, box4_2, box5_2, box6_2

I would want the variables as such:

var part1_1 = $('#box1_1').val();
var part2_1 = $('#box2_1').val();
var part1_6 = $('#box1_6').val();
var part2_6 = $('#box2_6').val(); etc..

This is what I've tried as an attempt to generate dynamic variables - I don't get any console errors, but I cannot verify that the variables exist and are accessible within my function?


function printOut() {
    var dxOut = 'Output\n';

    var part1_ = [];
    var part2_ = [];
    var part3_ = [];
    var part4_ = [];
    var part5_ = [];
    var part6_ = [];

// I'm not sure how to set the length of i to the # of inputs, so I chose 30 for now
    for (var i=1; i <= 30; i++){
    part1_[i] = $('#box1_'+i).val();
    part2_[i] = $('#box2_'+i).val();
    part3_[i] = $('#box3_'+i).val();
    part4_[i] = $('#box4_'+i).val();
    part5_[i] = $('#box5_'+i).val();
    part6_[i] = $('#box6_'+i).val();

    return part1_;
    return part2_;
    return part3_;
    return part4_;
    return part5_;
    return part6_;

    dxOut += part1_1 +'\n'+part2_1+'\n'+part3_1;



Here is a fiddle , in case it helps.

Thanks for the help.

You have 3 ways to do this:

Create an array

The easiest way, and probably the preferred method if you have no particular reason to need explicit variables for each would be to use an array.

// Adding to array
var values = [];
$('#zero_form ' + form_index + ' input').each(function() {

// Outputting from array
values.forEach(function(value) {
   // do something with value

// Access just one

Create an object

This is very similar to the array method, though it allows you to name each item, if that is important later.

// Adding to object
var values = {};
$('#zero_form ' + form_index + ' input').each(function() {
   values[$(this).attr('name')] = ($(this).val()));

// Outputting from object
for (var name in values) {
   if (values.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
       var value = values[name];
       // do something with value

// Access just one
// or

Create dynamic variables

If you really need them to be individual variables, you can create and access them by treating window like an object.

In your particular case, I would NOT do things with this technique. I only include it to show how to create dynamically named variables.

// Adding to window/global
$('#zero_form ' + form_index + ' input').each(function() {
   window['input_' + $(this).attr('name')] = ($(this).val()));

// Outputting from window/global
for (var name in window) {
   if (/^input_/.test(name) && window.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
       var value = window[name];
       // do something with value

// Access just one
// or

1) Create an empty array

2) Loop through you element

3) fill the array as you go

emptyArray = [];

$("#zero_form" + form_index + " :input").each(function () {
  var inputValue = $(this).value;  

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