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Format string with line breaks in Powershell

I am using Powershell V2.0

I have a string in file:
"-PatchInfo-" = "-HFInfo-"

I want "-HFInfo" to replace with a string 1234 "-PatchInfo-" = "-HFInfo-" . File should look like after replacement:
"-PatchInfo-" = "1234" "-PatchInfo-" = "-HFInfo-"

I am using command
(gc filename.txt) -replace "-HFInfo-",'1234 `n \\"-PatchInfo-\\" = \\"-HFInfo-\\"' | Out-File filename.txt

But I am unable to get line break after executing this command. I tried various other possibilities as well but couldn't make it.
Can anybody suggest what I am missing here?

(gc filename.txt) |% {$_.replace("-HFInfo-","`"-PatchInfo-`" = `"1234`"`r`n`"-PatchInfo-`" = `"-HFInfo-`"")} | Out-File filename.txt

Will produce:

"-PatchInfo-" = "1234"
"-PatchInfo-" = "-HFInfo-"

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