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How can I get a sum total from a field that is part of a dynamic row add?

I have a form, and the user can add as many rows as they want. One of the fields in the dynamic row is total cost. I am trying to figure out how to add the entries for this one particular field and display them on the following page.

I am coding in html 5, coldfusion and javascript.

Here is my script that generates the dynamic row:

        var counter = 1;
            var newRow = 
                '<tr id="rtr_' + counter + '">' +
                    '<td><input type="text" id="Qty_' + counter + '" name="Qty_' + counter + '" size=3/></td>' +
                    '<td><input type="text" id="Sku_' + counter + '" name="Sku_' + counter + '" size=10/></td>' +
                    '<td><input type="text" id="Description_' + counter + '" name="Description_' + counter + '" /></td>' +
                    '<td><input type="text" id="Retail_' + counter + '" name="Retail_' + counter + '" size=10/></td>' +
                    '<td><input type="text" id="TransferNumber_' + counter + '" name="TransferNumber_' + counter + '" size=10/></td>' +
                    '<td><input type="text" id="TransferDate_' + counter + '" name="TransferDate_' + counter + '" size=16/></td>' +
            $("#" + 'Qty_' + counter).remove();
            $("#" + 'Sku_' + counter).remove();
            $("#" + 'Description_' + counter).remove();
            $("#" + 'Retail_' + counter).remove();
            $("#" + 'TransferNumber_' + counter).remove();
            $("#" + 'TransferDate_' + counter).remove();
            $("#" + 'rtr_' + counter).remove();

Here is my code displaying it on the next page, but I cant figure out how to add the Average Cost field so I get a sum total of that field:

                <cfloop index="i" list="#form.FieldNames#" delimiters=",">
                <cfif REFind("QTY_", i)>
                <cfif REFind("SKU_", i)>
                <cfif REFind("DESCRIPTION_", i)>
                <cfif REFind("RETAIL_", i)>
                <cfif REFind("TRANSFERNUMBER_", i)>
                <cfif REFind("AVGCOST_", i)>

I hope I explained this correctly. Any help is much appreciated!

There are proably better ways to do this but given what you have this may be the simplest

            <cfset avgTotal = 0>           
            <cfloop index="i" list="#form.FieldNames#" delimiters=",">
                <cfif REFind("QTY_", i)>
                <cfif REFind("SKU_", i)>
                <cfif REFind("DESCRIPTION_", i)>
                <cfif REFind("RETAIL_", i)>
                <cfif REFind("TRANSFERNUMBER_", i)>
                <cfif REFind("AVGCOST_", i)>
                    <cfset avgTotal = avgTotal+form[i]> 

Is that what you are tying to do? Or have I completely missed the mark

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