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Storing Arduino data read in from serial connection using Processing

I am trying to read in 100 sensor data entries from the Arduino via the (pseudo) serial connection using Processing. The Processing sketch I am using is as follows:

// import the serial library for Processing
import processing.serial.*;

// define a new port object
Serial port;
PrintWriter outputFile;
int i = 0;

// setup a port 
void setup()
  outputFile = createWriter("data.txt"); 
  port = new Serial(this, "COM3", 9600);

void draw()
  delay(100); //must be the same delay as used in the arduino sketch

 // create a string to store the read-in values
 String serialBuffer = port.readString();

if(serialBuffer != null)


Unfortunately, I get less than 100 entries stored in my data.txt file usually, and some of the entries (about 3-5) are showing linebreaks within them. What am I doing wrong? The serial monitor of the Arduino IDE is NOT open!

In your setup() function, I believe you mistyped the newline character:


Did you mean '\\n' ? Right now you're buffering until an 'n' comes along, which doesn't seem obvious. It seems that many of the tutorials pass it an int with the value of 10 , which is the newline character in ASCII.

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