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double click and transfer files using library ftp4j

How can I do double click on JTree of my laptop to transfer files to server using FTP4j thank you

public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
    String s = arbre.getLastSelectedPathComponent().toString();
    File file = new File(s);
    if(file.isFile()) {
        System.out.println("c'est un fichier");

Using getClickCount() , you can detect double clicks in a MouseListener , as shown here . Start the transfer in your implementation of the doInBackground() method of SwingWorker . Use setProgress() to notify a listening progress indicator as the transfer proceeds, as shown here . You can show progress in a TreeCellRenderer , illustrated here . Beacuase nodes share the same renderer, you'll need to store progress elsewhere , typically in your implementation of TreeModel .

Addendum: A very simple way to display a JTree of files is shown here .

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