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Pushback to vector inside static vector

Question about static vector and pushbacks...

The idea is one vector storing a pair with a string and other vector...

[0] foo1: bar1,bar2... [1] foo2: bar3,bar4...

I declared in h file this vector:

class thing
static std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>> things;

In the cpp file:

vector<pair<string,vector<string>>> thing::things;

I can create the first entry of the vector with a simple:

typedef pair<string,vector<string>> p;
p P;
P.first = foo;

But, when i try to update the inner pair vector with:

typedef pair<string,vector<string>> p;

BOOST_FOREACH(p P, thing::things)

The thing::things vector it's not updated with the second value...

Any help?


If you want to modify the elements, then you need a reference :

BOOST_FOREACH(p & P, thing::things)

Like you used it, it creates a copy of each element.

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