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C# - generic method that gets a generic class

I have a generic class - Class1<T> , and a regular class - Class2 .

I want to create a generic method in Class2 that gets Class1 as a parameter. I tried to do:

void DoSomething<T>(Class1<T> data) {

But I get an error:

Error 25: The type 'T' must be a reference type in order to use it as parameter 'T' in the generic type or method ' Class1<T> '.

How can I do it?

听起来您在Class<T>上有where T : class限制,所以您只需要修改方法签名即可:

void DoSomething<T>(Class1<T> data) where T : class

I think you need to define the Class1<T> as below:

public class Class1<T> where T : class // here `T` is regarded as a reference type


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