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Magento seo friendly url in custom module

I would like to create porfolio module, but I need it to be seo friendly, so url should look like:


where portfolio - module, so it will be index action projectid - based on field alias

its easy to create example.com/portfolio but how to create controller, or detect what is after? The same URL hierarchy is in products, so it's category/product

Anybody have idea how to do it?

Below code works for item/id. you can change with your requirement.

                    $model = Mage::getModel('items/items');

        /*Rewrite */
        $isSystem = 0; // set 0 for custom url as we have created custom for profile extension

        $_itemId = $model->getModuleItemId();//module_item_id field
        $_itemName = $model->getTitle();//title field
        $_itemName = strtolower(str_replace(" ", "", $_itemName));

        // save profile view url rewrite
        $viewIdPath = 'item/id'.'/'.$_itemId;

        $viewRequestPath = 'items/'.$_itemName;
        $viewTargetPath = 'items/index/item/id/'.$_itemId;//controller is itemsController.php, Action is itemAction() 

        $_coreUrlRewrite = Mage::getModel('core/url_rewrite');
        $_coreUrlRewrite->load($viewIdPath, 'id_path'); // check if item path already saved? If yes, $_coreUrlRewrite will contain existing data.


        /*Rewrite End*/

You can find more info here & here

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