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How to validate Textbox when Checkbox is checked in RadGrid using JavaScript

How do you validate a textbox when a checkbox is checked in a RadGrid using JavaScript? I tried to use the CheckBox_CheckedChanged event but it is not working. Please tell me how to validate if the textbox is empty or not when a checkbox is checked in a RadGrid in ASP.NET.


protected void CheckBox1_CheckedChanged1(object sender, EventArgs e)
    foreach (GridDataItem item in radGridSahreaJob.MasterTableView.Items)
        TextBox txtMaxResumes = (TextBox)item.FindControl("txtMaxResumes");
        CheckBox chkBox = (CheckBox)item.FindControl("chkIsCandidateSelected");              
        string str = txtMaxResumes.Text;
        if (chkBox.Checked && string.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page, Page.GetType(), "alert", "getMessagetest('ShareaJob');", true);


    <telerik:GridTemplateColumn UniqueName="chkSelect" lowFiltering="false">
            <asp:CheckBox ID="chkSelectAll" runat="server" OnClick="return SelectAllCandidates(this);" />
            <asp:CheckBox ID="chkIsCandidateSelected" runat="server" OnClick="return CandidateRowChecked();" AutoPostBack="True" oncheckedchanged="CheckBox1_CheckedChanged1"/>
    <telerik:GridTemplateColumn HeaderText="Max.Resume(s) &nbsp;can upload" HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" ShowFilterIcon="false" AllowFiltering="false">
            <asp:TextBox ID="txtMaxResumes" runat="server" CssClass="rgf_txt_area_l2" Text="3" Width="80px" MaxLength="2">


 function getMessagetest(entity) {
     if (entity == 'ShareaJob') {
         radalert("Please enter number !", 370, 150, "Alert");

finally i got solution. Thanks.

 foreach (GridDataItem item in radGridSahreaJob.MasterTableView.Items)
                CheckBox CheckBox1 = item.FindControl("chkIsCandidateSelected") as CheckBox;
                TextBox TextBox1 = item.FindControl("txtMaxResumes") as TextBox;
                string strTxtResumes = TextBox1.Text;
                if (CheckBox1 != null && CheckBox1.Checked && string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTxtResumes))
                    hdnCheckBox.Value = "1"; 

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