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Can not access a controller (ASP.NET MVC)

This controller:

public class TestController <T> : Controller
    public string Index()
        return "123";

This definition of the routes:

          controller = "Test<T>",
          action = "Index",
          id = "" 

This is the error I get:

The IControllerFactory 'Yad2.Web.Mvc.UI.Infrastructure.NinjectControllerFactory' did not return a controller for the name 'Test'.

public class TestController <T>   : Controller
    public string Index( )
        return "123";

List of things wrong here:

  1. Controllers cannot be generic abstract classes, you need to define T .
  2. All actions need to return ActionResult derived objects.
  3. "Test" in your route definition is absolutely incorrect. Never going to work.
  4. You never showed your Ninject registration.

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