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In constructor ‘Player::Player()’: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char’

I have this line in my Blackjack default constructor.


This uses a setter in my Player class to set the player's name as Jane.

My Player constructor is this.

  Player player;
  player.m_funds = 0;
  player.m_name = "";
  player.m_bet = 0;
  player.m_busted = false;

And, for more information, my SetPlayerName method is this.

void Player::SetPlayerName(char name)
  m_name = name;

How do I fix this conversion error? I am just trying to set the player's name to be a char. Thanks!

I am just trying to setup a default constructor with one player, Jane.

A String literal (something like "Foobar" is of type const char[N] where N is the amount of characters + 1 (for the null terminator), meaning array of N char .

Your variable m_name seems to be of type char which is a single char.

There is no way to convert an array of const char[N] to char . What you really want is m_name to be of type std::string or possibly const char* .

Why const char* ? A const char[N] decays to a const char* and can point to a literal of any size.

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