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Shell script to rename multiple files from their parent folders

I'm looking for a script for below structure:

Before :




I want to rename " Cv or CV or cV " >> "aplCv or aplCV or aplcV" in all folder by regular expression...

My script does look like:


printf "Input your Directory path: -> "

read DIR

cd "$DIR"

FILECASE=$(find . -iname "*cv*")


for fdir in $FILECASE
        if [[ -d $fdir ]];


        FILE=$(echo $fdir | sed -e "s/\([Cc][Vv]\)/arpl\1/g")
        echo "la file $FILE"
        if ([[ -f $fdir ]] && [[ "$fdir" =~ "$LAST_DIR_NAME" ]]);
           FILECASE=$(find . -iname "*cv*")

            tmp=$(echo $LAST_DIR_NAME | sed -e "s/\([Cc][Vv]\)/arpl\1/g")
            fdir=$(echo $fdir | sed -e 's|'$LAST_DIR_NAME'|'$tmp'|g')

        mv -- "$fdir" "$FILE"

But it throws an error ..:(

How could I write it to rename the files according to their folder names?

Always make a backup before playing with this kind of scripts.

You can try the following:

find . -iname '*cv*' -exec echo 'mv {} $(echo $(dirname {})/$(basename {}|sed s/cv/apl/gi))' \;|tac|xargs -i bash -c 'eval {}'

This uses -exec to print commands for renaming. The second arguments are generated by using shell substitutions to replace cv with apl in the last part of the path. tac is used to reverse the order of the commands, so that we do not rename a directory before working with its contents. Finally, we eval the commands with bash.

Also, do not use -exec in a permanent script. Please read the security warnings about exec in the find man-page.

You can do like this


printf "Input your Directory path: -> "
read DIR
cd "$DIR"
MYARRAY=$(find . -iname "*cv*" )

touch "tmpfile"

for fdir in $MYARRAY
    echo "$fdir" >> "tmpfile"

MYARRAY=$(tac "tmpfile")

for fdir in $MYARRAY
    cd "$fdir"
    prev=$(cd -) 
    base=$(basename $fdir)
    cd ..
    nDIR=$(echo "$base" | sed -e "s/\([Cc][Vv]\)/arpl\1/g") 
    mv "$base" "$nDIR"
    cd $prev    

rm -f "tmpfile"

Also one issue i think tac command not included in Mac OS X.Instead tac use tail -r like MYARRAY=$(tail -r "tmpfile")

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