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deserializing Static properties using json.net?

Hi guys I have a JSON like the one below

  "totals": {
    "tokenType": "string",
    "tokenDenomination": "double",
    "count": "int"
  "IDCode": "string",
  "Key": "string"

and c# code to deserialize in to object is

internal class GetTokenRootInfo
    public  static Totals totals{ get; set;}
    public  static string IDCode{ get; set;}
    public  static string Key{ get; set;}

When I use jsonconvert.DeserializeObject<gettokenrootinfo>(json); nothing is being set and every var is a null.

But if I remove static types then everything works.

Can any one tell me the reason why static types are not working when deserializing the object?

If you really want to deserialize to static members on the class, you can explicitly mark them with a [JsonProperty] attribute, and that will allow it to work:

internal class GetTokenRootInfo
    public static Totals totals { get; set; }
    public static string IDCode { get; set; }
    public static string Key { get; set; }

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