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openssl 0.9.8 EVP EVP_PKEY_CTX not defined

I am using openssl 0.9.8 (and currently cant change to a higher version). i am using the openssl evp api (evp - high-level cryptographic functions ) to encrypt so data with aes and the key with rsa.

a call of:


results in an compiling error:

error: 'EVP_PKEY_CTX' was not declared in this scope

according to this link

VP_PKEY_CTX is only in 1.0.0 and later.

But evp allready existed in 0.9.8. so what type should i use instead of EVP_PKEY_CTX for my pointer variable *ctx?

But evp allready existed in 0.9.8. so what type should i use instead of EVP_PKEY_CTX for my pointer variable *ctx?

EVP_PKEY and friends may be available in OpenSSL 0.9.8. For example:

$ grep -R EVP_PKEY_new *
apps/req.c:     if ((pkey=EVP_PKEY_new()) == NULL) goto end;
apps/apps.c:    pkey = EVP_PKEY_new();
crypto/evp/p_lib.c:EVP_PKEY *EVP_PKEY_new(void)

But I don't see where EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id and EVP_PKEY_CTX are available in OpenSSL 0.9.8. This is consistent with what the docs are telling you.

$ grep -R EVP_PKEY_CTX_new_id *

$ grep -R EVP_PKEY_CTX *
crypto/cms/cms_sd.c:    if (EVP_PKEY_CTX_ctrl(pctx, -1, EVP_PKEY_OP_SIGN,
crypto/cms/cms_sd.c:    if (EVP_PKEY_CTX_ctrl(pctx, -1, EVP_PKEY_OP_SIGN,

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