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“Parameter count mismatch” is occurring on the click event of a button in asp.net

Error is coming when ever I click on the button

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.ParameterCountException: Parameter count mismatch.

Function.emptyFunction = Function.emptyMethod = function Function$emptyMethod() {
/// <summary locid="M:J#Function.emptyMethod" />
if (arguments.length !== 0) throw Error.parameterCount();
}//Error is occuring here.

Yes, I am using JavaScript confirm message in this page which is included in a master page, update panel and ScriptManager as well on the client click of the button, and after clicking this button error is coming below is my code

function Confirm() {
if(document.getElementById('<%= btnSave.ClientID %>').value=="UPDATE")
    if(document.getElementById('<%= userStatus.ClientID %>').value=="INACTIVE")
            if (confirm("do you want to make the user INACTIVE? \n By making the user INACTIVE means its all assigned role will be revoked")) 
              document.getElementById("confirm_value").value = "Yes";
            document.getElementById("confirm_value").value = "No";
    document.getElementById("confirm_value").value = "active";

实际上我在主页面和更新面板中使用ScriptManager,所以为了摆脱这个错误,我设置了ScriptManeger的“ScriptMode =”Release“”,现在它的工作原理并没有出现错误。这是帮助我的链接出http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb344940%28v=vs.110%29.aspx

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