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Display gridview row count based on dropdown selection

I am using this code to take a gridview count and display in a label on page load and works fine.

Page Load:

int rowCount = dtDetails.Rows.Count;
lblTotalRows.Text = rowCount.ToString() + "records found"; 

I have a dropdown above my gridview and when I select dropdown values the row count have to changed based on the dropdown selected values.

How could I possibly do that in dropdown selected index change

protected void ddlGroup_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    DataTable dtGroup = DataRepository.GetGroup(ddlGroup.Text);
    gvDetails.DataSource = dtGroup;
   //Now how could I possible show the respective row counts in the label

protected void ddlGroup_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    DataTable dtDept = DataRepository.GetDept(ddlGroup.Text, ddlDept.Text);
    gvDetails.DataSource = dtDept;
   //Now how could I possible show the respective row counts of both group and 
     dept row count  since they are cascading dropdowns in the label

Any suggestions?

I tend to make a SetData() method so all this kind of code is in one place. So in this instance I would:

protected void SetData(DataTable dtGroup)
    // Bind the data to the grid
    gvDetails.DataSource = dtGroup;

    // Show row count
    if (!dtGroup.Rows.Count.Equals(0))
        lblTotalRows.Text = dtGroup.Rows.Count + " records found";
        lblTotalRows.Text = "No records found";

This way you only have one place that does all the 'bindind' so in your Page_Load you can just call this SetData() method and pass in the datatable, and the same on your SelectedIndexChanged.

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