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How to convert a date string in jquery to a desired format

I am getting a data string in jQuery in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD .
Now I want to show it like this: 24 Aug 2014 .
It can be done easily in php by using date function but do not know in jQuery.

$("#txt_birth_date").html(' ' + ((result.birth_date) === null) ? '' : result.birth_date));

Moment.js has great documentation.


Date formatting or date calculation in javascript is not as straight forward as in php. I'm using the Datejs library:

I recommend you to use a library like this: https://github.com/phstc/jquery-dateFormat .

But if you want to format a string from 2014-08-24 into 24 Aug 2014 , you can wirte something like this:

function myFormatDate(d){
    var mothes   = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun','Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
    var d_y = d.split('-')[0];
    var d_m = d.split('-')[1];
    var d_d = d.split('-')[2];

    var mon = mothes[parseInt(d_m,10)-1];
    var dd = parseInt(d_d,10);

    if(d_y == "0000"){ // EDITED 
        return  dd + " " + mon;
        return  dd + " " + mon + " " + d_y;
var d = "2014-08-24";

Hope this helps.

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